Lifeboat is Taken through the Dunes 1883
The Drowned Fisherman 1896
Fisherman from Skagen
Christmas Day 1900 1902
Blind Kristian and Tine among the Dunes 1880
Fishermen Launching a Rowing Boat 1881
Three fishermen in a boat 1894
Fisherman Setting Around a Table Drinking 1886
Fishermen at Stormy Sea between 1892 and 1927
Two Fishermen besides a Boat 1889
Fishermen in Brondum's Grocery 1915
In the Grocery Store a Winter Day when there is no Fishing 1891
Helga Ancher and Engel Saxild Playing Chess in the home on Markvej in Skagen 1902
Will he round the point? Vil han klare pynten? 1885
Bonatzi and Merry Elsie Bonatzi og glade Elsie 1904
Fisherman Smoking Pipe 1876
A Young Woman Reading 1885
Blind Kristian Minding a Child 1885